Violence & Criminal Behavior

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WHICH AS YOU KNOW MEANS VIOLENCE: On Self-Injury as Art and Entertainment Philippa Snow Paperbound 7986688 $5.95
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PREY: Immigration, Islam, and the Erosion of Women's Rights Ayaan Hirsi Ali Hardbound 4922115 $6.95
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THE DELUSIONS OF CROWDS: Why People Go Mad in Groups William J. Bernstein Hardbound 7865945 $7.95
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CHILDREN OF THE STATE: Stories of Survival and Hope in the Juvenile Justice System Jeff Hobbs Paperbound 8007772 $14.95
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THE LUST FOR BLOOD: Why We Are Fascinated by Death, Murder, Horror, and Violence Jeffrey A. Kottler Paperbound 7995725 $16.95
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HOW TO SOLVE A CRIME: Real Cases from the Cutting Edge of Forensics Angela Gallop Hardbound 1977628 $17.95
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TRAINING FOR SUDDEN VIOLENCE: 72 Practical Drills Rory Miller Hardbound 7950454 $27.95
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